Saturday, August 29, 2015

My First Timelapse

You can also view this post on my other blog:

    Hello people. So awhile ago on my other blog I said I was going to make a timelapse on my 3d printer for my youtube channel it is now up. Here it is:

If it doesn't work try this:

    Sorry about the quality, but I am going to upgrade my lighting in the next video.

    Since I uploaded this, I feel like I will probably start uploading more videos sometime. But because of this and the end of summer, they will be done less frequently. Sorry. When I do upload them they will be on my other blog only after some time. That's about it for this time. Thank you!


                    Did you notice the changes I made from the other blog? Try to find them all and tell me in the comments.

Friday, August 28, 2015

"Hack" My Site!

    Hey guys so sorry I haven't made many post for a while, (you guys probably also are busy,) but anyways, here is this post. So a while a ago last year in school... I learned a trick you can use that is just like a "hack". I will teach you soon. I used this on the school website and was found out about, so I got in trouble. It's kinda really pathetic in my opinion. This hack is only momentarily and will change some words or modify pictures on the website. Only you see it. So what you can do is put the hack on and hide the script, then show your friends, or so. That's what I want you to do. By the way I'm not responsible if this gets you any trouble. sorry...

    SO ANYWAYS.... Here's how you do it. First locate the f12 button on your keyboard make sure no fLock is on. Then PRESS the f12 button, and something that looks like code will pop up. This stuff you see is called HTML, used for programming websites.(Not this one though.)If it doesn't work one other thing you can try is to right click with your mouse and click "inspect element". Once it pops up you will see on top of the code a menu bar: click on the magnifying glass in the top left corner. Now whenever you hover over the site it will turn blue. Find what you want to change and click it. In the script area there will also be a highlight. You'll kinda have to understand it but mainly you can just find the words it says or a "..." if it's kinda long. Double clicking will give you the ability to change it. So that's kinda it, if you have trouble let me know in the comment and LET ME SEE WHAT YOU  DID TO MY SITE. Please keep it appropriate because I'm pretty sure there are some youngsters. Here is my ultimate teardown! (You can show me using alt-prtscr(print screen)
or snipping tool if you're using windows. Then save it and attach it.
Sorry no timelapse yet. But here are a few thing I've printed. (That's the young me in the background)
                                                     That was a lot. As always,

Monday, August 24, 2015

Update #4

    Hey guys, sorry about the shortage of posts, and I'm getting a little busy and probably so are you. Just for fun, if you think you were one of the first ten to view my other blog (because we have about 105 views), tell me in the comments. I am going to upload a preview time lapse of my 3d printer hopefully sometime soon, so yeah. I checked back on my other blog, and realized, 50 shares is a lot to ask for. So now, it is changed to a mix of 20 different things. That includes POSITIVE comments, +1s, and all the shares. That's all...

P.S. My printer is in my attic, so sorry about the lighting. I might move it, but not likely

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

We're Up and Running!

    Sup guys you've probably been waiting and now I've finished creating my other site, (as you probably already know,) Printer Problems. I have finally finished, and I decided that yes, I will be blogging too on that site. Did you know these blogs I make are free? They are run by google for free and you can make one too! If you are over 18 you may want to make a little money off of yours, you can with no cost at all! (How stupid, I must sound like i'm advertising.)

    But yeah anyways, check out my open website/blog here:

Monday, August 17, 2015

The Real Cost of 3D Printing

    Hello guys you might be wondering why I'm not doing this on my other blog, it's mostly cause my other blog isn't meant to "blog" on.But I'm thinking about doing so. I have a lot of things to blog about on that topic.

   So anyways, the real cost of printing. Ok so if you ever heard of the Filastruder, it it a machine you can use to make filament from plastic pellets, which is what the big companies have to do. These companies make plastic seem much more expensive than it really is. For example, (I by my rolls pretty cheap) one roll of plastic (usually 1 kg) is about $25 U.S.. In reality, you can by 1.2 kg of plastic pellets for about $13 U.S, but you would need something to turn pellets into a roll for your printer.

    One thing you should never do is buy something from an online website because they are all ripoffs. Here's an example. Before I got my printer I asked a 3d printing service from to print a gear cube, and they said it would cost $56. After I got my printer, I got my $20 roll of plastic and printed all, the parts. When I was finished I realized how little plastic had been used. Much less than 1/20 of my plastic. I had spent plastic, but barely any. If you're new, you don't know that 3d printers print almost hollow will some little lattice structure for strength, but that saves tons of plastic. So the whole print cost me less than a dollar.

    As you can see 3d printers are really cheap to use. That's it for today, and if I got you interested comment and check out my other blog, ""!!!

Here are my sources:

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Thanks You so Much!

Hey guy I just wanna thank you so much because we've barely been up and this site have 83 views right now. I don't think it counted my views because I told it not to. So WE, not me have 83 views!!! By the way I just gotta tell you that almost all of you also checked out my other blog, Printer Problems. Thank you,but sorry it wasn't ready yet, but it's almost ready. Don't check it out yet, but soon...

Yeah that's it and again THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!


Friday, August 14, 2015

Update #3

Hey guys this is Steve again and I wanna start a new blog. I've seen a lot videos on 3d printers and there are tons of beginners(that aren't my level) Because I'm also a beginner, so I am going to create a blog called Printer Problems. You can check it out at "" It's not up yet but by the time you see this is should be. I'm not sure how it's going to work, but you guys give me suggestions IN THE COMMENTS and yeah, it'll work out. So yeah, dats it, so as always, Seeya!


Monday, August 10, 2015

Why I Transferred to Here

    Okay so someone probably wants to know why I transferred from the other account to this one. It's for a lot of reasons. This account is me born in 1994 so I am currently 21 years old, which I'm not. The second was so I could set up ads so I could get some money. But that didn't work out. Either way it's fine. Like I said this is mostly for fun. {I lost the game} But either way here is how people on the internet make money.

    The way people make money online is usually with advertisements. If I signed up, the ads on my site would probably be all about 3d printing and time killers. I don't make money unless someone clicks on the ad. The ad is paid for by the advertiser, And their money is split between google and you.
    Some ads give more money than others. If an ad is just a picture of someones hotel, it would make less than an interactive moving ad. Same with many other things {I lost the Game(yeah it's been five minutes for me)}. But either way ads don't really make much. If you know what CPI is, it stands for, actually I don't know, but the meaning is how many dollars per thousand clicks. I really don't know I can try to figure it out later. I'll tell you when I find out Sorry I delayed this. That's about it. seeya!

You know it steve.ughhh

Sunday, August 9, 2015


      Yo I woke up awhile ago and I don't have anything to do. So here I am. I'm doing nothing. What are you doing? I hope you're wasting your time on this website. hehe. Guess what I found a program that takes images and turn them to models for 3d printing, so if you send me a model, I'll have it 3d printed and showed off on this website. Sorry, but not all pictures will work I think that if we can get 100 pageviews I will be able to send them out. By the way, I'm not making money off this. I'll talk about that later today or tomorrow. Anyways dat's it. seeya!!!

Why do I still do this if I don't get paid, It's just for fun!


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Update #2

    Hey guys I'm back and I felt like I just needed to post this. So anyways you might have heard in the first update that  I got a 3d printer, and I've had it for about a month now, yet barely this week I got it to print high quality. So If you're new to 3d printing and you're planning on getting a printer, You comment below and let me know. I have tons of time to write posts for you. And I'm serious no problems with being my first commenter. Anything you want me to write about? I want to write something you folks like more. So see ya soon!


Sunday, August 2, 2015

According to European Law...

"European Union laws require you to give European Union visitors information about cookies used on your blog. In many cases, these laws also require you to obtain consent. 

As a courtesy, we have added a notice on your blog to explain Google's use of certain Blogger and Google cookies, including use of Google Analytics and AdSense cookies. 

You are responsible for confirming this notice actually works for your blog, and that it displays. If you employ other cookies, for example by adding third party features, this notice may not work for you. Learn more about this notice and your responsibilities."

So uh...

     To be honest I have no idea what cookies are on this site. Wait! I know one: Love that cookie. I din't know much else, But there should be a notification soon that will say what is on.

Thanks for coming, because that is all I really have to say. That was kinda pointless. That's why this is a rondum blug. Seeya!

The Game

     Ok guys welcome back and I'm gonna teach you the game. But before we start you must promise to always play the game forever. I'm hope you did. You already read this so it is too late.

     It's not that bad. Here's how it works: The point of the game is to forget the game. When you remember it, you say, "I lost the game," and restart. You can only say "I lost the game," every 5 minutes, and by the way,  if you hear someone else say I lost the game, unless you completely forgot the game, you would have been reminded of the game when they said they lost and so therefore you will be dragged down with them and lose the game.

    Hopefully that doesn't make any sense. But you stay with me, cause the game is on. It is too late to change. >:)


I lost the game

Saturday, August 1, 2015

We're Back!

Ok guy's if you're seeing this don't worry it's no big deal I'm moving this to another account of mine and so I can have some money back or soooo... Yeah don't worry the website will still be the same ( no worries it'll be fine. By the way is this layout to ugly for your eyes? Tell me what you think I should change it to. This will be in the transfered version just lightly modified

"Written July 25, 2015. The transfer is complete. Sorry but I'm not allowed to overdo my own delete so we lost the s at the end of blugs."


           Sup guys I'm just bored so I wrote this. Forgive my grammar. Comment on my failures. So I got a 3d printer recently and it is not working the best. It's one of the cheaper ones and I'm not very rich anyways. I am also trying to learn photoshop. I am gonna do something PewDiePie does. I'm thinking that you send me a picture or tell me what picture to use and I'll photoshop it into something. That's it.So uhhh Seeya later

"This was written on July 20, 2015 and ISN'T edited"

Quick Thoughts

        Ok right away, I wanna say this is gonna be an immature blog. you should've guessed that. You shouldn't be here, but you're invited to stay. So this blog is gonna be a random blog website. I will be doing a lot of stuff on this site. You can suggest a topic or have me publish something for you.
      So as I said this is a terrible blog. You'll realize that my blogs are really boring, but that don't matter. seeya in the next one.

Signing out,

"This was written on July 14, 2015 and has been slightly edited from the original"Quick Thoughts
        Ok right away, I wanna say this is gonna be an immature blog. you should've guessed that. You shouldn't be here, but you're invited to stay. So this blog is gonna be a random blog website. I will be doing a lot of stuff on this site. You can suggest a topic or have me publish something for you.
      So as I said this is a terrible blog. You'll realize that my blogs are really boring, but that don't matter. seeya in the next one.

Signing out,

"This was written on July 14, 2015 and has been slightly edited from the original"