Friday, August 28, 2015

"Hack" My Site!

    Hey guys so sorry I haven't made many post for a while, (you guys probably also are busy,) but anyways, here is this post. So a while a ago last year in school... I learned a trick you can use that is just like a "hack". I will teach you soon. I used this on the school website and was found out about, so I got in trouble. It's kinda really pathetic in my opinion. This hack is only momentarily and will change some words or modify pictures on the website. Only you see it. So what you can do is put the hack on and hide the script, then show your friends, or so. That's what I want you to do. By the way I'm not responsible if this gets you any trouble. sorry...

    SO ANYWAYS.... Here's how you do it. First locate the f12 button on your keyboard make sure no fLock is on. Then PRESS the f12 button, and something that looks like code will pop up. This stuff you see is called HTML, used for programming websites.(Not this one though.)If it doesn't work one other thing you can try is to right click with your mouse and click "inspect element". Once it pops up you will see on top of the code a menu bar: click on the magnifying glass in the top left corner. Now whenever you hover over the site it will turn blue. Find what you want to change and click it. In the script area there will also be a highlight. You'll kinda have to understand it but mainly you can just find the words it says or a "..." if it's kinda long. Double clicking will give you the ability to change it. So that's kinda it, if you have trouble let me know in the comment and LET ME SEE WHAT YOU  DID TO MY SITE. Please keep it appropriate because I'm pretty sure there are some youngsters. Here is my ultimate teardown! (You can show me using alt-prtscr(print screen)
or snipping tool if you're using windows. Then save it and attach it.
Sorry no timelapse yet. But here are a few thing I've printed. (That's the young me in the background)
                                                     That was a lot. As always,

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