Friday, October 7, 2016

JACOBO HORNS DOWNN!N!N!NN!N!@N!@!@!@!@!!!!!!!

Hello. This week is marching band week.Drum major (pretty much the dude in front of the ban) tryout happened, and I'm assistant drum major. Basically I wait for drum major to die or leave, which is next year. This blog is a huge band blog, but if you don't do band, STILL GIMME DA VIEWS!!

Parade is tomorrow, Saturday BTW. We gotta get to school at 6:45, which is decent actually...

Anyways, band blog.  I'm playing bassoon as a second instrument, and after two weeks of having the instrument I FINALLY GOT MY REEDS. In case you don't know, reeds make the entire instrument work. I went to Nick Rails the music store, and they said, "We are currently out of reeds. We will take your order, and when we get them, we will deliver them to your school."

We said OK, BUT THAT WAS A MONTH AGO!!! What happened is, we were pissed off, so we got a refund and ordered them on Amazon. IT HAD FREE 1 DAY SHIPPING!!!! WHY THE $$%%^$%#$(*%#$  didn't we do that earlier?!?! They arrived, and what's surprising is that the medium hard reeds seemed softer than the medium reeds. The medium ones were machined crappy, yet the medium hard was perfect. Almost.....

Well the were 4 bucks more..

Ya know that quad I was building? My plan now is to just put it back in the original frame, and just glue the camera on top...

gaud that's a lot. expect more later...

k bye.. why do I always say that??

alright see y'all in dem nexct one

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O shoot the title. marching practice a while ago, right, and we played the song. When you're marching, you're always supposed to be watching your row to make sure you're in line and it's straight and what I see is a trombone sticking up. WE FINISHED THE SONG!!! IT SOULD BE DOWN, AS IN STRAIGHT UP AND DOWN

1 comment:

stevstomatoe said...

sorry meant to say JACOB in the title...