Thursday, December 15, 2016

I like offending people...

Um, today I said a lot of things I shouldn't have said, OK?!?

So in math class, we're sitting in groups of three instead of in our normal rows, alright? not to do teamwork, just because the last class was that way. We're just chilling then we start talking, and doing stuff. I don't remember wat I said, but I know I pissed a lot of folks off. Let's say I said something about the 6th period kids being stupid, alright? Well, someone's like, that's not funny. I don't know who, in fact, I don't even remember exactly what I said that had pissed them off. honestly, the only thing I remember was calling Finn an idiot because he was in CP, and saying something about yellow. ('Cause I'm yellow, and Asian and stuff, ya know?) WELL ALL I REMEMBER IS KIDS BEING PISSED OFF.... K I NEED TO STOP TRYING TO BE FUNNY 'CAUSE IN OUR SOCIETY EVERYONE GETS "triggered" (I lowered it because that word is not worthy)

So now just to kill time and space Imma put some random links here below:

 random game where you draw stuff and it becomes a figure
you draw with your mouse but it gets color added, makes symettry, patterns, it's just beautiful, ok?
A random game where you make balls and try to fill up 2/3 of the space on the screen, without getting hit by smaller balls that pop yours and make you lose lives.'s-not-the-real-URL

Now for the vids:

crap too lazy to get the rest but that one's good. I have a huge stock of random vids

IN CASE YOU WANNA CHECK OUT WEAVESILK, the site I gave you guys, I made this in it: AND I"M NOT TALENTED

Plus some random chinese joke(note how I don't capitalize chinese)



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