Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Ha! On a weekday!

Look, I made it here on a weekday! So it's 8:30 ish and I feel like doing nothing.... I shoild probably practice piano, or learn something, or I DUNNO, just accomplish something. yeah....

Today was too normal. Nothing happened, so no good blog... BUT I GOTTA BLOG. Why? So I can get da views. Hehe

I had this idea, I was thinking to make a new private blog where I just make blogs to myself in secret, about life and stuff. why? dunno, I feel like in the future I might like something like that that I can just look at what I was thinking, cause I don't keep a journal.

Ya guys, I can tell this blog is really boring. I mean, I feel that I don't have my usual energy. Not good. not at all. so imma end it here so you guys don't get too sleepy... k bye....

Steve..., nothing dramatoc today sorry

Djrjxjsbsjdjdnjxkak as nxnd jk dkwbdbdisbwhatwasitalkingaboutofcoursesomethingdramaticwouldhappen..

Sunday, November 27, 2016


So, umm thanksgiving. What did we have for dinner? Normal stuff. lunch was with friends, but just a plain old, normal dinner. Last year, we had a great, BIG meal on Saturday. This year, Sunday. THANKSGIVING, COME ON. I mean, I'm not angry, ehhh, actually whatever.... we had a bunch of adults for my parents, no kids, but a lot of Chinese food. yup. It's all about da Asianness...

SCHOOLS RETURNING TOMORROW>>>>>>>> why the arrows? dunno. Yah, but, uhhuh school's starting again. Technically. I DON"T CARE. I actually don't. I wake up early naturally, it's just a thing. I have so much free time after school, It feels ALMOST the same. I have after school stuff, but still, I get tons of time. It's horrible. I don't learn anything and don't accomplish in real life. I'm watching a really old Penn and Teller thing. Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUcAido2x4I or:

It's ONLY 50 minutes.... yeah, I need to work on my projects, but instead I watch old shows. Wut am I doing... I don't know. um, skip the part at 20 minutes... it gets kinda, um.... yeah.....

Last night before I slept, I must have had a dream or something, but right before I think  I fell asleep I felt like I was gonna fall off a cliff, and my whole body makes ONE HUGE TWITCH-TYPE MOTION. I realize what happened and I sleep again. But it's weird because I WASN'T EVEN CLOSE TO FALLING OF MY BED, or anything like that. I have no idea why.

Well this is kinda a long blog but I need something to do. I don't want the blog to get out too late though, so I might as well end it now, so bye. Um, yeah, see y'all in dem next one!


yeah,um you're supposed to be gone now...


Saturday, November 26, 2016


Today's coffee doesn't have sugar. the sugar disappeared.... I shouldn't be drinking coffee at all  to be honest. But I do.

This week was so good it was bad. We bought a trombone mouthpiece, some oil, and a cleaning swab on Black Friday. That was it for me. We never left the house. My mom spent a few hours in lines and stuff. My dad went online and bought a ton of stuff. yeah..... But why's it called Black Friday? I looked it up. Of course, gotta give credit, so thanks wonderopolis , click that or go to http://wonderopolis.org/wonder/why-is-it-called-black-friday for the original article.

So it was first called black friday because people would go shop to mark the start of the holiday season. Well, everyone did it that day because stuff went on sale, so the streets would get really crowded and clogged, so it was called "black friday".

But they  wanted something positive, so they called it black friday for a new reason. Accountants use red ink to mark bad things in the money, and black to show good, so black friday is for GOOD profit. Yup......... das de only reason... and now there's cyber monday, which is online shopping cheap, and Giving Tuesday so people donate stuff and other stuff like that.

K THERE'S YOUR EXPLANATION. I finished my coffee, now I'm sad. It was bitter, but good. yup...


see y'all in dem next one!


Thursday, November 24, 2016

I'm thankful for... not throwing up.

*today's thanksgiving, so if you don't like negative thoughts on a good day don't read this...*

 Yo guys, um since today's thanksgiving I feel like, um... NAH SCREW IT. on with the story

K so yesterday or so mah family went on a hike at "red rock canyon park".Much special, yes. We weren't done, so we headed back halfway for lunch. Today, My mom was like, "Let's go hike and finish the trail!" I was kinda sad, I didn't like it. So right before we leave, we find out that the GPS power cord was broken apparently, and my mom tells my dad to get his phone out, and use the maps app. He gets it out, and we start driving. 40 minutes in, we are not too happy, thinking,"WUTS TAKING SOOO LONG"

yah, that. We see the ocean, stop, and look around outside. We cross the road to the ocean view side, and then when a car is driving by, my little brother decides it is a great moment to cross back over the road. I know. Parents get pissed off at him, and we leave. Then the road gets bumpy in a weird, throw-uppy way. I felt like throwing up. I dunno. It goes on for another 15 minutes, and When I think I'm gonna die, My mom's like, "WE ARE HERE NOW" (I realized like how much like I say like. like really)

We see a sign, saying, closed sunset to sunrise. It was 3:30, and sun sets at around 4:30. ONE HOUR FOR A HIKE THAT TOOK US AN HOUR JUST HALFWAY. We just said, wutever, we'll just find some rock thing to climb,('cause there were lots) so that's what we did, climb stuff FTW. Wait why did I put FTW there?

k wall das all fo today, about the quad, I got it into the computer by downloading a new driver, yeah, I was technically doing that earlier, but this was a different one. I can pull it up in the program, cleanflight, but it won't stop telling me to calibrate the accelerometer, which I already did multiple times. When I plug in the battery the motors go crazy. I blame the driver.

WALLLLLLLLL we need to build a WAALLLLLLLL, but anywayss,  don't let trump get to you peeps, and uhhh, see y'all in dem next one!

stekljf lksjdvlk jds;l krjfselkfllvelvleklvkelkvlekvlekvlekvlevlevlevlevlevlevlelvelvlyayay vyalvdiyayayayayaytrumpmturptmprutprtmprutprtprutprmtprutprjtprutpmrpturptmprtuprmtprutrptutrupmtprutttutrmptrumptrutmptrumtprutmrpturmpttrumtoprutmprturmpturmptutrmtrrmtrmptrmptrmtrumptrumptrujmptrumptrutprmttrumpFTW

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

NOT DEAD! Plus old story

Yo peeps.... is anyone here? Are any of you guys old followers? K now to the story.

Remember those good old days in kindergarten? When ya were a little kid? I love hate those days. Some funny memories. A great one I got. So that year I was 5, turning 6, ok? Well, on my birthday, the teacher asks, "Steven, how old are you now?" I replied, "5." I knew completely I was 6. But that year I was short, hadn't grown,and so therefore I wasn't 6 yet. The yeacher must have surprised, 'cause I would consider myself one of the smarter kids. She says, "guess again." I knee that I had to say 6, so I did. BUT I GENUINELY DID NOY UNDERSTAND. I mean, it's kinda funny now though.

K das dat. Update on the quad thing. If you don't know, look in the older blogs for stuff about me making a quadcopter. So the board arrived! I soldered everything, plugged it in for software updating, BUT IT DOESN'T SHOW UP. So it's supposed to be able to come up so you can use it to adjust settings and do stuff make it easier to fly for you. BUT I couldn't do that. I was able to connect the quad and the remote, but the motors wouldn't start up. So for better quads you get, there is something called arming, where the motors can't turn on unless you tell them they can. It's so when you turn it on, you don't risking them starting up and cutting your fingers off. On my quad,  the way is to move the left stick all the qay to the right. Well, the quad reciever recieves the full stick on the remote as a near full stick,and won't arm. I have to go on the compiter plug it in and adjust it. BUT I COULDN'T. I sent the seller an email...

Wallll, das it fo today, this took 19 minutes to writr this blog... but uhhh yeah, see y'all in dem next one!

Sgydgejfkrjfjdjdndbdksosbhelelvldlvlelbllwlvlwlvlwllvlelvlelflblrlllhajxbubununubiinjnunubububububhbjnivicucucicicicicicicicicivifififididirnfidjdj re but. kbyenow,noseriously,leave.whyisthisonebigword?

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Oh, there goes 35 bucks. hope it wasn't a waste

Hey guys. ya know the quad? ya know how a while ago? ya know I said"ya know, Imma fix dat quad and fly FPV" well I never did. Ya know?(YA KNOW HOW MANY TIMES I SAID YA KNOW??)

Well recently I spent 30 bucks to get 3 more motors, but most importantly I BOUGHT A NEW CONTROLLER!!! Ya know that old RC champ plane I had? Well turns out for starters the remote it came with wasn't that bad! It's a spektrum remote, and so it should run pretty good, much better than the hubsan one at least. It's not cheap technology.

The controller I'm mean, the flight controller I bought, not the radio, is the micro scisky, and it's supposed to be pretty sweet. Why didn't I buy it in the first place? I spent so much on FPV that I thought, "Buy the hubsan for 30, instead of spending 39 for the micro scisky and the other stuff"
The hubsan had motors, a controler, and a readio for 30. If I got the Scisky I needed to get motors, props, and a radio, but I didn't realize I already had one.


Wallllll... um das kinda it fo today, and um, um, I need to do homework and stuff so uh, yeah, see y'all in dem next one!


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

He, uhhh won...

So if ya didn't know, Donald da ducky won. I just looked it up. but why is everyone complaining now?his time starts in a month  from now.

If you're not its the US,  I bet you're either laughing historically or, FRICKON PULLING YOUR EYES OUT.

No cause Trump could either make a laughing stock of the US or make war...not on purpose. I'm starting wonder whether he actually plans to build a wall.

Kinda funny.before the election thing I had  NO idea who this Trump dude was. no joke. When wetting to las Vegas, we saw the Trump hotel and were like "whoa...." at least I thought it was kinda funny.

Today I am wearing a pretty bad shirt. It's a protest to da US, and NEHHH SCREW DAT STUFF. It just has Taiwan on it. My friends don't really get it,  but let's say that I'm Chinese, and Chinese hate the Taiwanese.yeah....

Wall das all fo today, dis blog was done mobile!

Ya,so see see y'all in dem next one..

Gaud i haven't done that in a while.

Oh audio c.f. hmm long dgjsurely vnfdksmndkx3`_'ldmdMSKKX,
Xkddzznzks mgmt xxx ksSJD.K.S STEVE LEVELEVE

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

ELECTION. Nah, screw it

If you don't know, I'm my family is Asian. We are too young, and my parents are "PERMANENT RESIDENTS" Not citizens, so they can't vote. They probably don't care anyways. I mean they care who wins, they just don't feel like voting. My mom has no idea who she wants, my dad is like HILLARY IS A LIAR. He told me dis Asian, I MEAN CHINESE "saying" called, oh crap, let me get it first


yi ge shi pian zi, yi ge shi feng zi

so dat means, well lemme just go step by step
yi ge -one
zi- -er(the er in trickER)
yi ge-one
shi -is
feng -crazy
zi-um, I actually dunno how to describe it.

so yeah. that probably made no sense... just use google translate. Oh wait, it's doesn't recognize feng zi...

a while ago someone at our school says "(blabhblablahblahblahb) zhong guo lao shi" but completely wrong accent. K so I was just too lazy there to put in actually characters... but it means CHINA teacher, not CHINESE teacher. sad...

random vid for you guys I've been watching over and over again:

If you're into band and marching band and stuff, watch it. If not, watch this one:

on that one the beginning is kinda really weird. yeah. but It shows you all the complex stuff they are doing.

IF YOU DO BAND YOU REALIZE HOW FRICKING GOOD THEY ARE. if not. dat's ok. just enjoy.,ah fav part is at round 6 minutes for both.

yah, so das about it. I have homework and stuff to do.. I feel bad for the peeps in da east coast because voting ended a while ago and they have to wait another 5 hours for us people on the west side...



Thursday, November 3, 2016

DON'T DO IT. *looks away* $#%@, they did it...

Hey guys. more romance stories.

k remember the boyfriend and girlfriend from middle school stuff gone. derppp ????

Yeah, so read that, anyways those guys, as I was walking to 3rd period, well they've been together a while, OK? Let's just say they were at the locker hall exit area, and as I was leaving, I see his back on the wall, the girl in front of him, then I see her hand on his head and pull him in. I look away (no seriously I'm not that weird kind of person)  and when I don't hear anything I turn, and while I'm turning, I hear a smooch.. like the kissing kind of smooch... hm....

yeah, I know. EVEN WORSE I HAVE PERIOD 3 WITH THAT GIRL. So she walks in, acts normal, and I don't think she was even blushing, not red, not sweaty, not panting, NOTHING. Totally NORMAL. What da flip?!?!  Later after school, I hear someone say, " ____ that was disgusting, don't do that" I hear her laugh, I think, then I'm pretty sure she turned away and didn't answer. LIKE WWWWWTTTTTTFFFFFlip..

wall das kinda all fo today, my mum told me I need to study for the SAT even though I have another 4 years or so, I'm probably just gonna watch Sporty's flight course(300 dollar value free from Young Eagles) If you guys plan to fly planes and aren't turning 18 anytime in the next year, check out Young eagles, You get  an introductory flight (pretty much you get in the cockpit and fly for about 20 minutes) THAT's free, which would usually cost 50 bucks or so. If you're over 15, you get a logbook, where the key to get into the course from Sporty's is and you can talk to EAA to start taking lessons! but don't expect it to be cheap. The get a sport's license(you can find a plane, fly it solo, take on 2 passengers, but not leave your home airport), you need around 4000 US dollars, and for a private license you need around 9000 dollars. but that's in the long run. like 1-2 years.

K now is the end, so um, yeah, bye see y'all in dem next one!!

lol almost forgot the umm, wait, the STHELKFJSKLFJELKFKLVeljklvelkvklejklejlV?eVLEKJLKEJVKL EKLVJEKLJV Lej


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The boy who cried fire...


So a week or two ago, right before school ends, someone pulled the fire alarm. Some people legit panicked. Afterwards everyone was pissed off, but it turns out it was a special-ed kid, so we weren't that angry. NOW THIS WEEK right AFTER the bell rings they pull the alarm. It's funny, cause this time no one cares at all. Just imagine the boy who cried wolf, but fire instead. First alarmed, then thinks it's a joke, then it actually happens and we all die. What's the moral? fire kills people. perfect story.

So, um that's that, I had something else planned, but I FRICKIN forgot, so I think it'll come back though. right now I can't find any junk food in our house so IM EATING BREAD, like sandwich bread with nothing on it. No sandwich, no toasting even. oh, I got a joke!

What is a toaster for? What does toast look like when done? What do you put inside a toaster?

HA YOU SAID TOAST DIDN"T YOU?!? The answer was bread. Ain't that the stupidest thing ever?

I found something out.... The quad I bought, the hubsan h107c was a fake clone made in China. (yah, have to blame mah family...) The LEDs are the wrong color and the propellers are to.

k das it fo today, maybe some vids soon, yah, see y'all in dem next one. sorry for not posting recently


if you're still around wut are ya doing?