Thursday, November 3, 2016

DON'T DO IT. *looks away* $#%@, they did it...

Hey guys. more romance stories.

k remember the boyfriend and girlfriend from middle school stuff gone. derppp ????

Yeah, so read that, anyways those guys, as I was walking to 3rd period, well they've been together a while, OK? Let's just say they were at the locker hall exit area, and as I was leaving, I see his back on the wall, the girl in front of him, then I see her hand on his head and pull him in. I look away (no seriously I'm not that weird kind of person)  and when I don't hear anything I turn, and while I'm turning, I hear a smooch.. like the kissing kind of smooch... hm....

yeah, I know. EVEN WORSE I HAVE PERIOD 3 WITH THAT GIRL. So she walks in, acts normal, and I don't think she was even blushing, not red, not sweaty, not panting, NOTHING. Totally NORMAL. What da flip?!?!  Later after school, I hear someone say, " ____ that was disgusting, don't do that" I hear her laugh, I think, then I'm pretty sure she turned away and didn't answer. LIKE WWWWWTTTTTTFFFFFlip..

wall das kinda all fo today, my mum told me I need to study for the SAT even though I have another 4 years or so, I'm probably just gonna watch Sporty's flight course(300 dollar value free from Young Eagles) If you guys plan to fly planes and aren't turning 18 anytime in the next year, check out Young eagles, You get  an introductory flight (pretty much you get in the cockpit and fly for about 20 minutes) THAT's free, which would usually cost 50 bucks or so. If you're over 15, you get a logbook, where the key to get into the course from Sporty's is and you can talk to EAA to start taking lessons! but don't expect it to be cheap. The get a sport's license(you can find a plane, fly it solo, take on 2 passengers, but not leave your home airport), you need around 4000 US dollars, and for a private license you need around 9000 dollars. but that's in the long run. like 1-2 years.

K now is the end, so um, yeah, bye see y'all in dem next one!!

lol almost forgot the umm, wait, the STHELKFJSKLFJELKFKLVeljklvelkvklejklejlV?eVLEKJLKEJVKL EKLVJEKLJV Lej


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