Wednesday, October 19, 2016

middle school stuf gone... derppppppp


It wasn't that crazy ... but anyways, bad things happened at school today...

K, first, as I was leaving the locker hall (AKA Da Wall Of lockers where people push each other off the balcony. JK) Anyways, some dark-color dude (Mexican, not black(plez don't be offended)) knew someone else's lock combo, opened his lock, and was laughing. The supervisor woman comes up, and says, " That's not your locker."

Then he laughs and says "but it's my lock"

"That's not your locker, don't mess with it"

"yeah, it's my lock"

Then he starts walking away, and keeps saying that. The the woman supervisor people person dude is like "Come back here"

The guy, still walking says, "Me?"

"Yeah you", Then she says how disrespectful he was, how rude he was to walk away, it wasn't cool at all. It's funny 'cause she's shorter and also Asian, yet the guy seemed more intimidated than the supervisor. I'm lookin' and my friend at I'm like , holy flip,,,

That just about when I leave, but I'm guessing he got a detention. good....;)

When I leave, that's when the next thing happens. There's this guy and this girl, and they're in love, ok. They've been in love for a while, right? K, so today, The guy gave the girl flowers, and the girl's friends that aren't really friends see them, and are like, "Whoa there, look at you with your horrible flowers from your ugly a*s boyfriend" (yes, the other way of saying butt is a bad word on this blog. ;)

Then girls then ask who's your boyfriend because they couldn't really tell. (they're that stupid)The girl's honest, and she says his name. The boy says not to, but she does anyways.

HOLY FRICK THESE PEOPLE OF EARTH, THEY ARE JUST, NOT CRINGEYYYYYY, but there's just horrible people. everyone on earth is just officially a terrible person....

wall das kinda it foer today,... plez sub, share, becomez a goodz peoplesz, don't curse, say butt instead of a*s, stuff like dat...


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