Ha! Today, someone Imma call "that one" tried something random. lemme fill this up with random letters so google +ers won't be able to figure out what I'm trying to do ddDddddFSDFsdfnksjdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfiuehjvnkcxjh iecjnskduhfiejnskjvhkeuihfksjdhfkjsdhfbananabanbfnsdbfjsdfjdshfdjsfkmv jdshfksjdnvkjsdhfksmcvnkfuhiweufhleiwueffsdhdsfhkdshkdshkidsfhkisdfhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjhsdkljfhldkjhflkjzsdhflkzjsdhflkjzsdfdFSDFsdfnksjdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfksdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfiuehjvnkcxjhiecjnskduhfiejnskjvhkeuihfksjdhfkjsdhfbananabdFSDFsdfnksjdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfiuehjvnkcxjhiecjnskduhfiejnskjvhkeuihfksjdhfkjsdhfbananabdFSDFsdfnksjdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfiuehjvnkcxjhiecjnskduhfiejnskjvhkeuihfksjdhfkjsdhfbananabdFSDFsdfnksjdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfiuehjvnkcxjhiecjnskduhfiejnskjvhkeuihfksjdhfkjsdhfbananabdFSDFsdfnksjdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfiuehjvnkxjhiecjnskduhfiejnskjvhkeuihfksjdhfkjsdhfbananabdFSDFsdfnksjdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfkjsdhfiuehjvnkcxjh iecjnskduhfiejnskjvhkeuihfksjdhfkjsdhfbananab
If you're a girl, leave now...
So anyways. for you GUYS that are here, let's start out with something random. the "golden signs". When a girl likes you, they will 1. adjust hair 2. play with hair 3. adjust clothing 4. pose 5.pretend they need help 6. get your attention by asking for help 7. getting you to help them 8. TRY TO GET HELP FROM YOU.
Don't ask where I found those out. (not youtube for reelz man)
So anyways, today after school, "that one"(imma call this person that okay?) drops a blue pencil in front of me. I pick it up, say it's cool, then out pretty loud, say "IT WORKS"
I don't randomly yell out things. My friend was there, OK?
"that one" is ahead of me, walking away, "just CASUALLY", and I see her. I thought, that has to be a sign. I don't say anything or do anything, but I seriously suspect it was "that one's" pencil. I walk with my friend, he's like, "we leave the same way". I was gonna leave him and give "that one" the pencil back, but I'm forced with him. I stay with him... leave, and the opportunity's gone. Now I'm stuck with the pencil till tomorrow.. BUT THERE'S A CHANCE, that when I give "that one" the pencil. It doesn't belong to "that one". So then I'd be screwed, but if it doesn't I'll probably just let "that one" have it anyway. But here's what I think'll happen:(why am I spilling out my life?)
me: ya like PENCILS?(don't ask)
"that one": huh? or wut?
me: did ya "DROP" a pencil
[the that one says something]
[gives that one pencil]
me: ya fake.... [laughing] (or maybe sly fox or somehting like that.)
me: see ya later
[leaves to class]
Ya see, I am great at that kind of stuff.....
kinda confused by all this middle school stuff, ya know? wait till you get there, or if you're reading this, just try and remember "the good old days"
Just for myself, that happened on 12/13/16 the week before winter break
Another story of stuff....
weds the 7th, 12/7/16 seems like the right day. OK ANYWAYS, so on I think that day we had a concert, and we special top band kids were dressed in our "alternate uniform" that's not important. but lunch was after 3rd period instead of 4th, so I run into "that one" as I go to my locker. it went like this:
[that one talking to friend]
[walking towards that one/my locker]
[that one's friend leaves]
[that one stares at me while posing]
[does ritarded*I know it's rEtarded* eyebrow thing]
me: Hallo (not hello, hallo with a weird asian accent thing)
that one: wut?
me: BYE(I didn't think the halllo was that important)
that one:[smiles with confusion...] bye....
[then I'm gone and dunno what happens]
But the way she was there, and the way she posed, I dunno, confused me. maybe I'm not old enough.In fact, "that one" is-wait nevermind
weird, so "that one" is a smart one, OK. I'm stupid, and she's smart; I'm immature, and she is normal and mature. I have a tendency when I see friends to make stupid faces, and I do that when I see her. she, confuses me... I'll do it, then "that one" will just raise her brows quickly and walks off... wow. WHY AM I TELLING THE WORLD THIS?!? I swear there is no erasing this off the internet. I probably schoudn'y publish this, but I will. I'm stupid, but I think this is for me. I will see myself reading this back to myself in the future.
Bad thing though about "that one" Pretty sure my parents would disapprove, because the hair is dyed, she uses makeup, and those I honestly both don't like. make up isn't bad, but it's make up. hair die is hair die. both show that you think you're not good enough and are trying to make yourself better by doing stuff to yourself. not good in my parent's opinion, not good in mine. No, I kinda got used to it... And I don't understand how people, older people adults could be doing such dumb things, deing their hair. I mean they're adults. wow, this is a long blog. So I guess to the future me, dis is see ya later. Get a good job, Steve, and don't die in a hole.... ha, that was bad. Bye now, me]
You can tell I'm trying to be mature with myself, right?
stev says bye to self *closes blog now*