Tuesday, July 26, 2016

I loooove mah pie

Hello guys this blog is a little late but watever,,,,..

So just today something I have been waiting for"that I could not just wait for" arrived! It was a Raspberry Pi 3, a mini computer-type thing... this is what it looks like:

It was like 35 bucks by itself but I got a set with a built in operating system, and a bunch of other things.

There's a lot of other things you can do with it, like make a mini laptop out of it for less than $100. Some people turned it into a 3d printer, or a CNC machine, which cuts plates of glass and stuff like that into a design with a laser...

    heads up guys. That vid I mentioned yester is happenin' soon, so make sure you're subbed!

wall das it fo today, It's justt a quick life blog with nothin' special, but I HAD to let you know I'm alive... so see y'all in dem next one!

stevel;evel;vev;ve;vel;vevlevelve,lvekjsdfkjasdkjshdfkl jsdikjgsdksmjy masterpiedce!!!WESG!@EG

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