Thursday, July 7, 2016

Were you da one?

Hey guys I'm back!...


So today I'm getting ready for something special... I plan to live stream on Youtube in the near future and so I was setting stuff up. I got the software, linked it up, all that. Then as I was watching some videos to relax everything lags. Then I check on my software because it's still on and it turns out it's running! Live stream! That really sucked because of those 11 minutes I didn't notice running, ONE OF YOU was watching me. Doing nothing...just staring at my computer and my screen. wait...... if that was you, I can find you. One sec.. aww never mind. I was just trying this hacking thing to find all the people who visit my channel. Their IP addresses. Then I use that to find their home... nyehehehehheheheheehheheheheheheheeeeeeeeeeeeehhehehe.. That didn't work, but on my channel I found that that live stream got posted as a video. You know what? I'm not even gonna delete it. It's pretty much me with a blank face as my computer lags of like crazy and music that pops up as I try to make a twitch account. also with a side of weird alien noises my default mic makes... Yeah. Hey, wanna see it right now? yeahh,I'll prove it to you on my channel. The vid is here or

yeah enjoy, peeps...

Oh yeah, new vid about my bad vaca comin' out soon.. check that out...

Trust me, the stream is really boring

see you bois in dem next one..


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