Wednesday, July 13, 2016

This is what an unedited post looks like

hey uigys earliers today I said I would rwrite an unedited post for you guys to see lwhat  its like, seo here It is! yeah, greay so far. wow, right when iI say "great" I screw up. wonderful. do you want more stuff liek this? let's make a filler to fill up my space. I'll embed the newest vid. well first here's how its down. in blog writer you can write it and there is a button you click to change to HTML, which is like a programming languange for internet stuff. there iare different languages for diferent things. yeah... so when you go to that button it changes your blog to coding format and then you go to a vid, blick the share place, click embed, and ther is some code. copy it, paste it in, and bo back intoj the compose tab where you have writing again.. yeah, that's really it so here is a cheap vid I just got from a long time ago in order to promote it...

yeah so dats it fo today and yeah, esee y'all in dem next one!
gsfdgs fgsfkgj;fkjgsdfg

stevelefkljsdlkflsf jwefwefgffseefvwefrf

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