On a big jet however. There are 2 or 4 little "things" (see below) between the pilot and copilot that controls throttle. It's the four little sticks that are smack down the center.
Oh, you wanna know what'd happen if you did push the yoke forward? You would make the elevators on a plane go up, which in turn would make the plane go down. Elevators look like this:
Now you probably askin', how do you know all this junk? Well a few years ago I was seriously thinking of flight as a career. I still think about it, just not as much. I used to study that kind of stuff. I was able to get a free AOPA membership. (AOPA is a flight school online pretty much) They gave me a few free magazines. that was for half a year. then it expired... I also got this online flight class that would have cost 300 dollars, but with some other membership I got a bunch of free courses they had. yeah....
I wouldn't consider myself able to fly a plane, but if I had to I could land a plane in an emergency.
Well, das it for today,. we got more tomorrow, and more .... wait nevermind.
check out my channel, and yeah, and other stuff, see y'all in dem next one!
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