Tuesday, August 30, 2016

They're screwed...

Hey guys, back again finally, and uh yeah... back. Today I was back in band. Band is awesome. I do two classes of it, because I wanna try french horn to go with trombone. But anyways, back in band, and my second class of band is beginning band. Normally, I should be in intermediate because I'm a second year member and apparently the school "couldn't work it out". They couldn't work it out for at least another 6 people. I'm sorta angry, but not too much. But anyways, beginning band spends like a week or so to pick instruments that are good for them and then balance it out. They're doing mini testing and, you can just tell they're SO BAD.... I can't take it. no. just pplease. Help me. They are horrible. Well dat was sorta an exaggeration... but ya know what isn't? Half of them are SO SHORT. I'm a short guy, but most of them are shorter than me. THAT'S WEIRD FOR ME. Almost always, they will be taller.

But anyways,  das it fo today, and uhh, if you liked it check out my channel which I forgot about for a while... maybe I'll get back to it, but uhh yeah, See Y'all in DEM NEXT ONE!!!

Stsj dfkjsk;dfhjsdkfj sldkfjlsseelclvlelvlelvellvelvlelvle

Friday, August 26, 2016

Time for a story...

Hey guys, haven't blogged in a while. Hmmm... welll today's a story about school, since school just started. Last year, the first day of school was a minimum day. I found a place to wait with my friend and we just talked and did nothing... That was going on for 30 minutes or so. He leaves, and I'm left alone, bored. Sucks. I wait, and where is he? I move, look around don't see him. 10 minutes later, where the FRICK IS HE???? The I get frantic and worried, trying to think whether I should try to walk home or just wait. It's a 20 minute jog, but considering I had a backpack It would take around 40 minutes I'd say. Then I'd get a cold, probably, and be super pissed off. Then finally, I see someone, and it's a girl with her mom. Also same grade. Her mom's like, "Are you alright?" I have no idea. She lets me borrow her phone and I end up calling my dad. Apparently he "forgot". I was pissed off, but I got home and was done. That was that.

Guys,,,,, Ya know that AK47 I was printing? It took up an entire roll of filament! It's worth 20 bucks! I finally finished printing. I did most of the part cleanup, and assembly is almost complete. here it is so far:

Ya know what's funny, ever since school started, it still feels like summer. I can come home, start up my 3D printer, and go watch videos on youtube again. As always. Literally. I have to do homework while I do, but I spend like 5 minutes on homework and just continue watching videos again. Waking up early isn't a problem 'cause I just tend to wake early. in summer I would do electronics but now I have breakfast and leave, but it really isn't that bad. I'm kinda happy actually...



Monday, August 22, 2016

"I don't have school 'til Wednesday"

Hey guys, no views yet, 'cause you are all in school as of now. Well, I don't have school till Wednesday. den I go crazy on band for a solid month. sucks...

Well, it's time for a life update. Maybe shoulda called this blog Update #5. When I first started I literally did updates, 'cause I didn't know what else to do. Anyways, I got a new mic stand. Yesterday I recorded my self playing diep.io, but it totally screwed up. That video of the grenade I said a long time ago finished, but it turns the voice sinc went crazy. So that video is delayed. I'm going to try youtube editor. See if dat works.

I'm building a quadcopter! I 3d printed a frame, and I plan to buy a cheap quad, steal it's parts, and use it on my own. it's much cheaper to take then to buy individually because the company buys in bulk much cheaper than me buying just one.

I'm also fixing an old rc plane, called the champ. I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to start the hobby, and the only reason it's broken it my mom tried flying and crashed it. She only crashed because she flipped the up and down. BTW if it's too confusing you can switch the settings to make up, up because usually up makes it go down. Here's the plane in full glory (don't copyright me hobby zone):

walll, das it fo today, expect the new video soon, and uuhhh yeah, see y'all in dem next one!

stkjsl;f sdkjhf jrfthlsdkjfhlsdjfhsd

Sunday, August 21, 2016

But I still have to check the mail...

Hey guys, a little late, but I'm back. Today I had one question for myself. It's a Sunday. I'm gonna check the mail. Why do I have to check the mail??? WHY? Every Sunday I get a feeling that I have to check the mail. Don't ask why(actually do), but I do. Please science, give me an explanation. I don't know whether it's cause I'm a man child (yeah, totally old enough to say that) or my baby is kickin' in, or it's just a habit, or 420. ha, bad joke. hahaha....

But ahh gauhdd that was short. Well das it fo today... If you liked it sub and follow, 'cause I need da money.  Oh yah, I'm trying to build a quadcopter.... and a video is coming. I made a grenade. Didn't I already tell you guys? neah, screw it. See y'all in dem next one...

STekfsd flsdkjhglsdkjhflsdkjfhlsdkjfhlskjfhlasdj

Friday, August 19, 2016

They are so out of tune...

First of all, I'm making a grenade! Well it's just 3D printed, but screw it! It's a grenade either way. I'm too laizy to make a video on the print, but expect a video on the paint job. I only have clear filament now, so I have to paint THE GRENADE.

But anyways, today I was at the park. Big deal. Playin' tennis w/ fam. Then these four planes fly by. I'm a big fan of aviation, and planes, and all that stuff  but anyways they're flying by, and I just have to cover my ears. It's not loud or anything, it's just UGLY. The sound, not the planes. You planes there were beaooooootiful. But the sound! I'm sorta a musician, and their engines were all humming different tones. They were all really close, but far enough to be UGLY. Again not the planes, their tones. Auuhh gaud. I just couldn't stand it. When we finished, we walked home, bought some chips, and that's unusual BTW. we don't eat junk food in our house very often. But anyways we go home eat, and then all of a sudden I say "This is one of those moments when I wish I was a fat idiot. That way I could eat junk food all day." I kinda regret it, but it would probably make this blog really boring.

But that's it for today right? Oh yeah. The lateness is cause there was a short power outage. Yup, no joke. ummmmmmm

But yeah, das it, so see y'all in dem next opne...

stklejlf sdflkjsdhflkjhsdlfkjhasdlfkjhlaweuihlsdfkjhsdlfhulskj flsdkjfhsdfsdasdfkjsddfsdfssdfkjdfkjsdfkjfsdasdwasdasdwasdfasdwasdwasdwasdwasdawad

Thursday, August 18, 2016

School, School

Hey peeps, another late blog, but um anyways, school. School's comin' up, right? Actually for some school already started. Ahhh, that explains the less views. *sobs in corner* But anyways even with less views, oh wait, the grammar didn't make sense there. Let me rephrase that. Oh wait less views has nothing to do with what I'm about to say. Screw it.

Anyways, don't expect to many blogs during the school year. You ahhhh bizzy, I izz bizzy, we olll izzz bizzy. So yeah. And I'm also kinda runnin' out of ideas. Wait till school starts for more. BTW CVUSD, what is "Music Appreciation"? I wanted band, ya stupids!! >:[

Wall das it, it sucked, yet keep the ending energetic. auh gaud,. but anyways please sub for senpai.... wow... dis is really sad.

Ok watever bye.......

stelskefj lsdflhjlsdkjfhlsdkjfhlweuihflifhlsdkjhaflf

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Vote Trump

Hey guy.  The title is a joke btw. But screw it, Trump'll win..It doesn't really matter does it? And dis blog is getting out early because I didn't wanna leave you guys. I have a lotta work to do. School stuff. This blog is getting ENDANGERED.nah jk. But you get the idea.

Now,look at me,
Then look at trump,
Then look back at me.
*face palm*

Anyways you realize that if trump- wait hold on a sec. Who ever let kids call trump by his last name- Ok I mean MR. TRUMP, if he builds a wall that would be illegal, cost billions of dollars, and take years to build. What illegal? The us constitution states that everyone is allowed top apply for citizenship with no problems. MR. TRUMP can't take away that freedom. And also, why don't they just get a plane and fly over that wall ?

Wall(pun somewhat intended) I hoped you'd likeded this'd  blogged. Pleased likeded and subbed. Thanks......ed

Steveleveleve Delmar Khadr fhmbz fog Sa dabbbbbbbb....... ed

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

New vid coming soon...

Hey guys I'm back. Yay*energetically*

Anyways just wanted to let you know we gonna have a video soon. On another 3d print. 'Cause I'm trying to find a game and I can't find any. But I do have a list! Happy Wheels, Happy Wheels, Happy Wheels, if it lags too much then play Happy Wheels. Just kidding. I have more ideas. Yeah... Sorry for the late blog BTW. You thought I was being a lazy butt didn't you? Well, I was being a lazy butt. and I still am.

And more! I got a Facebook! Yay... now I gotta get an Instagram, a Snapchat, a Twitter, and most importantly, A LIFE...

But anyways das it fo today, sorry for the lateness, and umm, yeah, PEACE


PS expect some animations in the near future...

and da facebook is https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010578123383

Monday, August 15, 2016

This will Forever ruin your music experience...

Hey guys the "other blog" for today is out. This one...anyway the blog... I've been listening to a lot of music recently, and I've been hearing this thing that if you listen for you will here. For sure. Have you ever recorded stuff with a mic and you end up hearing the sss sound a lot? When people whisper you can hear the sss sound easily and on a lot of bad, and even some good mics you can hear it. Just listen to any Taylor Swift song, and imagine ssss in your head. It really sssticks out. When you turn it on low volume, the s really sssticksss out. yeah...

Gaud after listening to them, yeah, I hate those mics. Some also bring out p, b and ch. Those, just don't. Don't do it. That's how you lose fans. Just get a frickin' pop filter! In case you don't know, It's This:

You see them a bunch on professional musician mics. What they do is, well the ss sound is when air comes out of your mouth in a stream, and "blows air at the mic". The pop filter lets sound go through but doesn't let the air go as easily. yeah.... science fo ya kids...

wallllllll... I hope you liked dis blog. and umm, yeah. so sub, and see y'all in dem next one!

stelvlelvlevlelvlevlekjlkejvlkecjlkelskdjflskejflk l kjelkjlsk jlsek

Sleeping to dubstep...

Hey guys back from vacation. Yeah...

Anyways when we were gone, we (as in family) were driving a lot. One day my older bro was playing his music via bluetooth 'cause he thought it was cool, but my little brother didn't. My brother was playing dubstep. You wanna know what he was listening to? Here it is: but he started at the really dubsteppy part.

Yeah... Thank me, "New Channel - MrVoseMusic" who has 15k subs and 21mil views on this song. what... umm yeah. What a crappy blog. Ya know, Imma just use tomorrows blog and write it today. So see you soon.


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Ze video is out!

Wassup peeps Steve here again, and we got wifi, AGAIN! Yas. Just letting you know we got that vid out officially. Also we get a new video coming soon. It'll be another vaca recap thing... but anyways here's the beautiful video you all wanted.

Liked the clickbait-ish thumbnail? Yeah, made it mahself. Umm... That's it for today.*goes to corner to sob.* So yeah, stay tuned for more tomorrow and other junk. yeah.... so see ya....


Tuesday, August 9, 2016


Sup peeps? Yas, wifi. I love you wifi...

Anyways, wat is up???? God, I sound so excited... ummm yeah. Today I don't anything funnyto blog, so Imma just tell you how it's going.  yesterday after the blog we just drove. And drove. Then at night we arrived at our "resort". It was literally a bunch of tents with a bathroom somewhere in the middle of them. We woke up and drove more, then hiked, my little siblings complained they couldn't hike a mile, so screw them, we hiked a little more then went back to the car, and drove, and drove, and drove 'till we got to here, Bishop town, a little town in CA. but hey,it has wifi, what else can I say? We had dinner at a Mexican restaurant and it was surprisingly really good. We came to this motel, Super8. Always go to Super8 mah friends, 'cause each one has its own wifi and it's really fast. Ok, Imma go swimming with my fam cause, It's frickin hot out here! we were just in Death Valley, and it was 113 degrees. Fahrenheit . Meh.

Wallll... I hope you like dat... I gotta go now so, umm, yeah, See y'all in dem next one!

ste sfldkjfdkj;slfkjstelselslelselsleelslellslvlvsellevlelvlelvelvlelvelgfjaskle jrflsdhjff asgsdfdsdf ksdfdsjdhfjdjfhdjfhs

Monday, August 8, 2016

New vid dis Wednesday...

What is up???? drama alert nation. nah,   just kidding. Don't get it? *face palm*

Anyways, just letting you know, new vid will be out this Wednesday... Even though I'll be on vaca. How? It's actually presheduled. Cool huh? I filmed it a while ago, but I told youtube to release it later. Wanna see it? Imma give you guys the secret link.


BTW the vid's in 1080p!
yas, only for you... actually share it. That way I get more views...

You know what's weird? Whenever I blog later in the day, I feel really bad, but when I do, my blog gets almost double the views. Maybe I should blog later in the day. You know why it gets more views? The GOOD people are sad I don't blog and they check back later, because they're good people. I wonder who they are... Thanks you guys. *sobs like an idiot* nah, jk.

wallll...... das it fo today, be sure to everything there is to do. Share this blog so you can share the vid. It's locked until Wednesday, so yeah, enjoy that, and pieeeeeece


Sunday, August 7, 2016

This is my 83rd blog.

Hey guys, can you believe how many blogs we've had here? I was looking at my blog to see if I should change anything, but I looks in the archive and saw this: 25 posts from July! I feel amazing! But you whats more amazing? This:

Ok it won't paste here but in the last month we've had 215 pageviews! Out of 600! We're growing really fast. Yes, WE. you guys are viewing, not me. I even put settings for the blog not to include my pageviews.

so yeah, this blog is a quick thank you cause I don't know what to say... wait, tomorrow I'll be on vacation and for the rest of the week I will too, but don't worry. I should be able to blog those days, but you'll know why if I don't...

So tanks fo comin'... yeah, and see y'all in dem next one!'


Saturday, August 6, 2016

New vid...

Hey guys STEEVEJELKEJLKEj here, just quickly letting you know I got a vid out. It's a 3d printing vid, which I haven't done one of in a while. It's cool. I won't stop gaming though, and I am getting a computer upgrade too so less lag... anyways here's the vid:

Did you like the music? I really liked it. Check out the creators at http://audionautix.com/. They're awesome. You don't have to be a video creator to listen to them too, and their music is free. BTW not sponsored or payed by them... Yeah...

Thanks guys! See y'all in dem next one!

STefjsdklf s;dkjfhlfhjlsdhkjflevlelvlelvelvleleeee

Mahhh finger....

Hey guys. Today there'll be a video on this...sorta

Yesterday I was printing stuff and the print finished. I wanted to put LEDs inside, so I got out my soldering iron. If you don't know what that is it looks like a circular knife... just look it up... it's pretty much a mini electronic welder. Anyways I was soldering a bunch of LEDs together and, well, I grabbed the solution iron on the metal, which heats up. I burned my thumb and middle finger.... great... I finished the project, but it was painful. I decided not to use those LEDs though. I found these RGB(Red green blue) LEDs and used those instead.

But yeah, I'll have a video on that.
Wallll i hoped you liked that blog ... be sure to follow. And sub. Yeah...

Well den, see ya llll

Siebel Lederer Steveleveleve leve leve leve levels

Friday, August 5, 2016

Gaud!!! I feel it in my nose!

Hey guys. This is right after linch. sorry, lunch.

We had rice, as always and some random spicy stuff my mom bought. I ate a bunch no problem  'cause I like spicy stuff, but as I was leaving I grabbed one more veggie(using chopsticks) and it literally blew up. Not normal spicy blow up, it was worse. AND IT WAS IN MY NOSE!!! I literally tasted the spicy from inside my nose. Sniffing made my nose even worse. Ah, the Asuan kife.(sorry,Asian Life) yup.

Guys, Heads up! New vid coming later hopefully today, or tommorow... yeah, stay tuned...

Walllllllllll, umm das it.. Too laizy to do the entire thing, but yeah, see y'all later...

Thursday, August 4, 2016

No! Mom, I forgot to blog!

Hello guys, as you can tell by the time and the title, this blog is late. After lunch I went to the bathroom(NOT restroom) and then forgot to blog. But too bad. I still have a blog planned though...

This blog I thought up yesterday, because I was at a summer camp. Yesterday it was a bunch of sports, and it reminded me of something dumb from fifth grade. One day in fifth grade, after lunch ended, while we were waiting to be dismissed, the "yard duty" who watched to make sure no one was stupid had an announcement for us. This is pretty much how it goes: "Listen up kids. Quiet over there! Listen. You guys have been losing balls, and it's not funny. If you guys don't stop losing balls then you'll never get to play with balls again. And from now on all balls will be put in a cage because you don't stop losing them!"

We were immature, so thought it was super funny, and it kinda still would be, but back then it was so funny, literally all the fifth grade boys cracked up and stopped listening. So they lost all the balls 'cause they didn't listen and got their balls taken away. Both ways. Just kidding, ahhh  gaud.

Well lllllllllll then, thanks for watching, I mean, uhh reading, duh. But anyways if you liked this check out my channel and stuff at STEVE LEVELEVE
or https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrjPGEYoPsmMCipVC--b3XQ. yeah see y'all in dem next one!

oh almost forgotstevelvlelvlevlelvlelvlelvlelsELTSLELEVLVLSETESLEVLSLVSLEGLSL LSEL

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

I blog so slow...

Hey guys. I was thinking what to blog and it's almost time for lunch so I'll try to make this quick. I remembered yesterday, and tried recap for anything funny, then I just happened to remember how long it took me to do yesterday's blog. 20 minutes. Literally, 20 frickin' minutes of my life... yeah... how's that for becoming a blogger? Maybe it's just cause I'm Asian and I don't like English, jk English is more natural than Chinese to me. But, I think it's cause thinking of an idea, then blogging it, then editing it, then revising it just takes me a lot of time. I've spent 5 minutes typing. now for editing.

one sec.

through magic, I've finished editing. That took like three minutes. Then publishing it lags a lot, then sharing on Google+, then all the other junk. When I embed videos it gets worse. Holy....

Well, I hoped you liked dis blog... I think dat's it fo today, so yeah, see y'all in dem next one!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

And you can shoot a gun?

Hey guys, early mornin' blog... at least it is morning where I am...

You that blog I did on planes? This one a related, just more common...

ohhh yeah... I recently did a video on a game where I break into a plane... I ....seriously..... it wasn't planned... but whatever... here it is:

Again, nothing in common. But that's not what this blog's for...

Do you a lot of "fps" games? I put quotes cause when I say fps I usually mean frames per second, but here it's first person shooter... Well anyways do you know anyone that does? Like Call of Duty, CS:GO especially. My bro plays a bunch. Well I find it really annoying that people who play those games like to brag about how they think they could probably be really good with a gun in real life because they shot them in a game... Well that's definitely not true. Do you know the mechanics of the gun? Can you at least identify the outside parts? Do you know what bullets(22lr, 9mm, 45cal, 556,what else?) it uses? Do you even know what the bullets look like, and how they work? My little bro played those games and had no idea bullets were two parts. want more science?
See the part labeled primer below? It ignites when hit by something in the gun called a needle. The propellant explodes building up air pressure enough to blast the bullet part out. Then later the bullet case gets ejected out of the gun.

Once you know that, there's much more you should know before you shoot a gun. Heck, those games make you dumber, gunwise. You are taught to kill and that it's alright and kill as many as you need to do your job. In real life, usually you are told to only kill the one man you need dead. The less dead the less the media gets into the slaughter. You also need to plan your attack carefully, know the place very well, and never do you work alone. If there is one soldier you forgot, you get him. That's what good soldiers do, at least in US...

wellllllllllllllllllllllllllelelelelelelelelvelvelvlelvlelv . das it for ... wait are my fingeres glowing greeen???? whaoooo. ok bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

they're literally glowing green of my black keyboard!!!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Don't, P.D.A!!! Please!!!

Hello guys I'm back! Well of course I am, I'm back every frickin' day for you. Don't feel bad though.

Anyways last night me and my fam went to the pool, and we met some friends. My older bro knew that dude who's like 18 and he was there with his girlfriend. It was like, ummmmm awkward...well it is awkward when anyone shows up to the pool with their girlfriend...

So pretty much we swam, but not together. I was swimming alone and watching my little siblings, these other random girls were playing, and that friend was playing with his girlfriend at the pool. No names for you. sorry. but anyways later we went to the Jacuzzi, and after that to the shower. When I got to the shower the boy and his girlfriend were in one of the three shower heads(BTW the 3rd was broken), and they were pretty much touching each other and making out in the shower. I was like. wooooaaaaa. Imma just leave and act like nothing happened... so that's what I did. I had to make my little bro shower and he didn't want to, so I brought him there. The couple noticed, and they were like, "You can have our shower head." I was grateful, yet also frickin' weirded out, but watevvr.

Wall, das it fo today. I hope you liekd that blog! Be sure to follow me on google + so you know when I blog.(Well you know it's daily but watevvr. See y'all in dem next one!!!
dhsdjshfdjlkghsdfkswtevelvevlvlevlsgtevlvelvelsgtevelvlelstevelvlelvlelvelsdklfhgkjhsksdfsdgk/MOOO DABBBBBB