Tuesday, August 9, 2016


Sup peeps? Yas, wifi. I love you wifi...

Anyways, wat is up???? God, I sound so excited... ummm yeah. Today I don't anything funnyto blog, so Imma just tell you how it's going.  yesterday after the blog we just drove. And drove. Then at night we arrived at our "resort". It was literally a bunch of tents with a bathroom somewhere in the middle of them. We woke up and drove more, then hiked, my little siblings complained they couldn't hike a mile, so screw them, we hiked a little more then went back to the car, and drove, and drove, and drove 'till we got to here, Bishop town, a little town in CA. but hey,it has wifi, what else can I say? We had dinner at a Mexican restaurant and it was surprisingly really good. We came to this motel, Super8. Always go to Super8 mah friends, 'cause each one has its own wifi and it's really fast. Ok, Imma go swimming with my fam cause, It's frickin hot out here! we were just in Death Valley, and it was 113 degrees. Fahrenheit . Meh.

Wallll... I hope you like dat... I gotta go now so, umm, yeah, See y'all in dem next one!

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