Friday, August 19, 2016

They are so out of tune...

First of all, I'm making a grenade! Well it's just 3D printed, but screw it! It's a grenade either way. I'm too laizy to make a video on the print, but expect a video on the paint job. I only have clear filament now, so I have to paint THE GRENADE.

But anyways, today I was at the park. Big deal. Playin' tennis w/ fam. Then these four planes fly by. I'm a big fan of aviation, and planes, and all that stuff  but anyways they're flying by, and I just have to cover my ears. It's not loud or anything, it's just UGLY. The sound, not the planes. You planes there were beaooooootiful. But the sound! I'm sorta a musician, and their engines were all humming different tones. They were all really close, but far enough to be UGLY. Again not the planes, their tones. Auuhh gaud. I just couldn't stand it. When we finished, we walked home, bought some chips, and that's unusual BTW. we don't eat junk food in our house very often. But anyways we go home eat, and then all of a sudden I say "This is one of those moments when I wish I was a fat idiot. That way I could eat junk food all day." I kinda regret it, but it would probably make this blog really boring.

But that's it for today right? Oh yeah. The lateness is cause there was a short power outage. Yup, no joke. ummmmmmm

But yeah, das it, so see y'all in dem next opne...

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