Friday, September 4, 2015

DWOPE(dumbest websites on planet earth)

    Hey guys, first of all, check out my second youtube vid, here is the link:[]. Anyway's you read the title, and pretty much I am starting a series. So anyways, let's get to it.

#1. The anti-dolphin organization. I was looking for random pictures when this popped up:
here is the link by the way: And guess what, they sell anti-dolpin wear!

#2 Thingiverse 404. Have you visited thingiverse( Have you seen it's 404( My eyes can't take it!!!

#3 The rick roll. Ha, I should have saved this for april fools.( Right now it has 140,560,376 views. Has it changed?

#4 Ducks are the best. ...................[no comment](

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