Thursday, June 30, 2016

I'm gonna be gone for a while..

Hey guys,

Steve here again, and I want you guys to know that I'm going on vacation until next Wednesday. I'm sorry, but you probably shouldn't expect videos or blogs... yeah...  But maybe, I'll hack into some free walmart wifi and blog or something, but yeah don't leave me if I don't blog soon. Expect the next blog to be Thursday.

yahhh.....see ya bois...


BTW I purposely said hack into free wifi, I aint' that dumb...right?

But Dat's Not All!

Hey guys have you ever seen those kind of ads? Stupid. Not you, the ad. They give you 5 potatoes, then they say, "But that's not all!" they give you potato place membership. BUT THAT"S NOT ALL, BOIS!!! They give you the potatoe derottifier. Then you give up...

WHO NEEDS THE EXTRAS? Hey, to the company it's not even extra, it's just free to them cause they sell 50 bucks value for 500. not cause of extreme labor, the have machines, it's literally free. Why????? Misleading...

Umm, well das it for now... See Ya bois in da next one....




Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Who Cares About the (US) Election?

Well, a lot of people care about the election.  I understand that. Why do all the 2nd and up to 7th graders care so much? (I know it happens in 2nd grade causeI have siblings)

Listen, Do you really think Trump is gonna build a wall and not allow Mexicans in?Ask George Washington what he thinks. It's against the constitution to not allow them in. He can let them not become citizens by making the citizenship test thing super hard (I don't know what it's called....), but he can't reject them if they pass.

What else? He said, that it's so cold in NY, and he needs some global warming. So what? Is he gonna build 300 power plants to heat it up?

Ummm, who's the other person? Oh yeah, Clinton.... well, the truth is I would rather have trump so I am not gonna say anything here.... (pls don't hate 'cause of dat :(

Also, who gives you children rights to call your future presidents by their first and last name? That's like going to your dad and disrespectfully saying "Mr. Joe Billy Smith! How dare a little man like you not wash my socks! I haven't gotten any since my last refill!"

BTW I have 10% of my views from the last month from Germany, so sorry because you might not get this. Here's kinda how it works: It's election time and the two most prominent peeps are Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Everyone hates both people, and the other candidates suck... So screw this country, screw you, screw you *goes into corner, cries, and dies in a hole...*

Welllllllllllellllelllelelelelelelllllllll.... yeah. Das like all I got for you guys today, Oh, wait. Yeah! I'm getting a microphone!..... So yeah., that's all I have today and See Y'all in dem next blog!!!!1


Bill Gates to Be

Hello guys, if you haven't noticed there are ads my my youtube channel. Well, there are ads on all channels. I took advantage of that and currently I've earned (drum roll plezzz...)  $0.0050! yay! (BTW Google, I'm allowed to publicly announce how much I make right?tnks)

So yeah thanks guys for HALF A CENT... Noreally, cause dat leads to Billion Bill Gates Boy AKA Iron Man. Get it? Really rich dude's son=Tony Stark/Iron Man.

Bill Gates to be? to be honest more like Bill's gate to be... JK...

wullllllll,.... yah, dat's about it.. I think... so um



Sunday, June 26, 2016

I Have MAGICAL Powers

Hello again guys today I was at Walmart with my parents, we were sorta looking around. My dad was in the home section at the eleectronics part and nearby were the toilet seats. Past those were plungers. I was stupid as always, so I decided to stick the plungers on the upright stored toilet seat cover parts, if that makes sense. There were only two, and only one stuck on. I was proud (I know right), so I was like "Mom, look!" When she turned the toilet seat next to the one I pointed at falls off its hook, and I'm like FRICK YEAH!!!

I am flippin' skilled mah friends! SKILLED boys!And girls! Ladies and Gentlemen!en......


Oh yeah.. so before I became skilled I was kinda dumb. Yeah.. Earlier I was somewhere and I only had my phone. I was thinking of blogging then, so I took out my phone, put in my email, and it turns out I don't remember my password. I was like, WHAT IS IT??? I was ummm pretty pissed off, so I was prettty much said Screw It... and I decided to wait till now...

So that's all I really got for you guys today, and um, See y'all in the next one!


2 Vids Up, 2 More 2 Go!

First of all, this exact blog will also be on printerprobs.

Hey guys if you've checked my channel, you know I just got two new vids up. And I've also changed the layout. I'm not exactly done yet, so I don't know how it'll go. Also, stay till the end. I've got a pretty big anouncement.

Anyways, yeah two videos are up.One promised a long time ago, and one I just came out with.Let's start with the one I promised. (Printerprobs peeps have no idea about this)

Yeah that one, and also one you didn't expect about a failed print a while ago...

Well, yeah awesome. That's all I got for this one cause I have this on printerprobs too,
but check on rondumblug  later for another blog...


Oh, big announcement. I'mm gonna change my username to STEVE... LEVELEVE

Saturday, June 25, 2016

I will keep posting, Back on schedule

Hello guys, you may know that I kinda stopped posting a lot for the last two months. I still posted, but barely. Well, now I'm pretty much back on schedule, like post a lot schedule. Two weeks ago school got out, then I had summer camps,and now I'm free. But something more important:


Yeah, remember when I said I had no wifi a while ago? It was true. Wifi's back now, so I get to post at home, instead having to go to the library to post. yaeaesssssssssssssssssssss......


Oh yeah. You know those vids I said I would post a long time ago that I never really did? Maybe I'll post them sometime soon... yeah... And another video I hope to get soon: I'm printing a wierd action figure thing. If you wanna print it or just see it go here or go to

Well, yeah, that's about it. if you can't get to my youtube channel here it is:

well, dat's about it for today... See y'all in dem next one..

like elmo?
wait wut?

Friday, June 24, 2016

Is this allowed?

     Hello, once again. After just posting the last blog I was checking my views (just to make sure world domination was going well) and I saw this:
Well minus the last one and I was kinda sad for no views recently and
I thought, "Is this \/ allowed?" (that's not a V it's supposed to be an arrow)
hmmm. should I have sent that?

Well, rmm umm I kinda have to go now, so umm, thanks for coming  and see y'all in the next one!

stevesfsdfjiklsdf sfsf j ;sdkjfa;

Superhero names are so STUPID

Hello... are you there????

Umm, anyways, I'm pretty sure you've heard of Superman. Super,  Man? Why? A man that is super: a "very good or pleasant;excellent" man. Superman is NOT pleasant.

Spiderman. How do you know if he is a man with spider fangs, a human-sized spider, a spider-sized human, a retarded 8-eyed hissing man, or a spider with a human face that speaks Korean?

Just like spiderman, same goes for Antman, Batman, is Ironman in that category?Ummm...

You want more examples? Why isn't The Flash someone who comes out of cameras and blinds villians?

Hulk: when you google "hulk definition" the first thing you get this:
  1. 1.
    an old ship stripped of fittings and permanently moored, especially for use as storage or (formerly) as a prison.
  2. 2.
    a large or unwieldy boat or other object.


Here are some examples of just plain stupid names (credit to Crave Online): Bouncing Boy who inflates himself and bounces around, Super Moby Dick of Space who I'm not even gonna explain, Pasta Pot Pete who climbs walls and shoots sticky pasta at people, um, I think you get the idea.

Superheroes are STUPID. I'm sorry, it's almost true. Almost because Super Moby Dick of Space didn't get a movie.

Found any more stupid superheroes? Tell me and mah friends here in the comment section about it. Thanks fo comin' and see y'all in the next one!
