Friday, February 17, 2017

This knife is so dull... *cuts self*

Hey guys kinda got busy... *cough lazy* So I just remembered this thing from a while ago so imma tell y'all.

K so friday the something like 2 weeks ago was this performance we had. We the top band were performing for 5th graders on a field trip. Goal: make them join band. We get to school early in the morning in our "alternate uniform" not the marching uniform, just the band polo and black pants. Well, first thing I notice is our last chair(essentially worst) trombone was missing. I tell second chair (the one right below me) "Hey look, stupid's missing. Yay" not really, but for exaggeration let's say I said that. We go on with the rehearsal. Here's some more schedule info for you:

arrive 8
set up, start practice
9:30 little kids come
we play

Well somehow, our last chair makes it, at 9:00. AN HOUR LATE. Well, screw it, he's here. He's not annoying or stupid, he's just a little stubborn, and when we play soft songs occasionally he'll stick out. Well, it doesn't bother me that much. But this is the worst part: He comes wearing normal clothes, not the uniform. WTF man. When the director asks, he's like "OH FLIP I'M DUMB" well not really. Heh. So  uh, we carry on. We don't find him a uniform, but we give him some other girl's band jacket. It's black not red, but it has our logo, so it's good...


Now the knife!

K so I bout dis knife:
It looks scary, but it's a lot smaller than it looks
So far it works, but needs a TON of wrist motion to open.

When I first got it  it I touched the edge: and it FELT as sharp as my old dumb knife.
Not sharp. It cut paper only like my old dumb knife
not sharp *enough*

Except one area. It would kinda tear-cut it, then one area just GLIDE through the paper, then suck at cutting again. I later took my thumb across the blade. I felt pain. O crap wut I just do? Well I cut myself. So sucks. Later I found that there's a little cut on my pinkie. Never felt it don't remember it happening. Eh...

Not to mention I bought a really bright flashlight and a tactical pen as well.......

mebe later: the pen hasn't arrived yet.

See ya dudes

love balls
suck it up
ya dumb
im disabled
criplling despression is a real syptom
meantally retarede is real
notice mejh senpiaia

don't be offended by the ending plez

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Haven't been here 2 weeks...

Wow I feel bad for what happened in the last two weeks but good to be back, and do what I did today.

A while ago  I made a plan to myself: this year Imma get stronger, do more pushups, less computer time, more piano practice, and grow taller.

*last one specially important*

But uh recently I got lazy. I didn't practice at all over the weekend, didn't do my workout, spent the whole day on the computer and ditched my "growth pills"(ha STERIOIOIIDS) and didn't do pull ups.

Today school got out early. (Second Tuesday of the month is day for teachers to plan and stuff) Um 8th graders went on a field trip and returned at lunch. Well "that one", WELL let's just start in the morning. "A" period class ends and go to my 1st period science class to wait. Well since it's the science fair, the 8th graders all have posters and other random stuff to bring to the classroom, so "that one" comes to the area to put "that one's" poster in the classroom. (I have science 1st period) I see "that one" HECK I ALWAYS DO and "that one" sees me and so I guess gotta show it, so I just smile and nod. Ha, I nod at all the random awkward times. Like when someone is just staring at me and I see I just turn to them for a sec, then nod. haha. WELL ANYWAYS I nod as I was saying, and I guess "that one" nodded or something. "that one" smiled and continued talking to a friend. Then left. I still think she just came just to figure out where my classes were, but I need to tell myself that's ritarded. Like me. funny. not funny actually. stupid. I probably know somewhat what "that ones" classes are.

So that was morning. They went one the trip came, back, well at 5th period, "that one" ignores me till I do a bad not funny joke.... wut? k nevermind. Band ignores till the end, where she just turns to look at me? mebe. dunno. never will.

 That's that. Today's valentines day. Apparently on a suvey 50% of women would dump their guy if they didn't do anything on valentines day

random stuff for you
Guess "that one" might dump me. hope she's not that 50%

Wait one more thing. Wed last week was rehearsal for our honor band. "that one" is in it. In the middle or so the conductor asks me to stand up and some other dude on the opposite side. I'm on the very right. I see "that one" wow. that was really lame. Well at the end when I get in my dad's car I see "that one" running to her little car as she leaves. Was "that one" following me? I seriously dunno. But I think "that one" gets to school from a little door on the side of campus no one uses. To hide the car. I feel, wow, girls. Ashamed of their car, I mean, Our car has a huge dent in the back left. Our other car has big black scratches. It's bad, but am I ashamed? Well, I don't like it, but I 'm not worried abut my reputation by a car. I mean,yeah, people judge you by your car, but I'm not trying to get a job or anything, so I don't care.

I was looking back at my old blogs to see if I had wrote that, then read the despressing song blog.Listened to the music, and somehow ended up here.Listen to it. It's so sad, but it's good. start at 0:28 Before is just clapping.

One thing: that guy is blind. I just wanted you to know that.

Well now that you're crying go take a nap, do your homework, look at your life, do good, and be content with yourself.

Now I'm a life coach, heh?

Bye dudes


Sunday, February 5, 2017


Yeah, seriously couldn't think of a title.

OK so I've been gone for a while, doing nothing... yeah need to accomplish something...

Should work on SAT but nope, wasting time on this.

Yesterday I spent 30 minutes sharpening my knife. made it look less shiny, stained it, and it's barely sharper. I made a hot glue staple pocket clip today... great accomplishment today... wow.

Yesterday at school a tree fell over....

I seriously don't know what to write about today.

I wasted this entire weekend watching Kitchen Nightmares. Well at least I was inspired to learn to cook good food. Ha not really though.

But the real thing was because of what I think about "that one". I thought a lot about "that one" today. I swear, I've gotta be dreaming but it seems as if "that one" has set up the world to make things work to make me notice "that one". my gaud...

Like "that one" plays in jazz band and I swear "that one" joined because I was going to. that's what my brain says. "that one" started not good in jazz but "that one" got really good at their instrument and is better than me. by tons. "that one" started out shy and not that confident in the music, but now, "that one" is playing really complex songs before it starts to show off to me. THAT'S WHAT MAH  DUMB BRAIN TELLS ME.

No but today I've just thought how I'll miss "that one" at the end of the year. "that one" is in 8th and im in 7th so "that one" will leave me behind for a year and im worried. hehe wow that's strange.

another thing. "that one" is wearing a choker. those things that go around the neck that choke you to make you look cute.... see the stupidity there. well, My dumb brain sees that as "that one" trying to get me to notice. I don't like it. but Let me remind my stupid brain, IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU STUPID.  I swear in the future "that one" or me will be able to have technology to go look into my brain and see all the dumb crap I do and watch my life and stuff. "That one" will find how boring my life is. I feel that "that one" is watching my blog, even though I'm almost certain it doesn't happen. I dunno

K bye now