Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Rondum Facts n' Hacks #2

Hello all of you big peeps out there in space! Welcome back to another facts n' hacks blug so again, jump right in

1. H:Tangerine peel is touch-screen on most phones
2. H:put a paper clip at the end of a roll of tape. It makes it easier to find it later
3. F/H: by stretching 5-10 minutes before you sleep, you relax your muscles, sleeping better
4. F/H: Drink half a glass of water before you sleep and after you wake up, and you can apparently remember dreams
5. F:Banging your head on a wall burns 150 calories per hour...Why you would do it I don't know...
6.F: Hippos sweat red when they're angry
7.F: Cherophobia is the fear of having fun
8.F: (Just Saying) What would happen if Pinocchio said "My nose will grow,"?
9.H: When you're talking to someone look at their feet. If they point away from you they want to escape the conversation.
10. F: Heart attacks are most likely to happen on Mondays

Thanks again all of you folks out their for viewing this again. You all thought I was dead....

See y'all now!

Dude I said bye! So leave already! Wait...Nevermind!!No!!Come back!

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