Sunday, June 26, 2016

I Have MAGICAL Powers

Hello again guys today I was at Walmart with my parents, we were sorta looking around. My dad was in the home section at the eleectronics part and nearby were the toilet seats. Past those were plungers. I was stupid as always, so I decided to stick the plungers on the upright stored toilet seat cover parts, if that makes sense. There were only two, and only one stuck on. I was proud (I know right), so I was like "Mom, look!" When she turned the toilet seat next to the one I pointed at falls off its hook, and I'm like FRICK YEAH!!!

I am flippin' skilled mah friends! SKILLED boys!And girls! Ladies and Gentlemen!en......


Oh yeah.. so before I became skilled I was kinda dumb. Yeah.. Earlier I was somewhere and I only had my phone. I was thinking of blogging then, so I took out my phone, put in my email, and it turns out I don't remember my password. I was like, WHAT IS IT??? I was ummm pretty pissed off, so I was prettty much said Screw It... and I decided to wait till now...

So that's all I really got for you guys today, and um, See y'all in the next one!


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