Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Who Cares About the (US) Election?

Well, a lot of people care about the election.  I understand that. Why do all the 2nd and up to 7th graders care so much? (I know it happens in 2nd grade causeI have siblings)

Listen, Do you really think Trump is gonna build a wall and not allow Mexicans in?Ask George Washington what he thinks. It's against the constitution to not allow them in. He can let them not become citizens by making the citizenship test thing super hard (I don't know what it's called....), but he can't reject them if they pass.

What else? He said, that it's so cold in NY, and he needs some global warming. So what? Is he gonna build 300 power plants to heat it up?

Ummm, who's the other person? Oh yeah, Clinton.... well, the truth is I would rather have trump so I am not gonna say anything here.... (pls don't hate 'cause of dat :(

Also, who gives you children rights to call your future presidents by their first and last name? That's like going to your dad and disrespectfully saying "Mr. Joe Billy Smith! How dare a little man like you not wash my socks! I haven't gotten any since my last refill!"

BTW I have 10% of my views from the last month from Germany, so sorry because you might not get this. Here's kinda how it works: It's election time and the two most prominent peeps are Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Everyone hates both people, and the other candidates suck... So screw this country, screw you, screw you *goes into corner, cries, and dies in a hole...*

Welllllllllllellllelllelelelelelelllllllll.... yeah. Das like all I got for you guys today, Oh, wait. Yeah! I'm getting a microphone!..... So yeah., that's all I have today and See Y'all in dem next blog!!!!1


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