Hullo people and today I just wanna say I am still here. Just been busy lately... anyways today I don't know what to say. Why don't you guys tell me in the comments?
Wait, I just thought up something. Why don't you guys ever leave comments? I have a theory. Here it is: You guys are all big celebs. Admit it. You don't want to post comments 'cause if you do it'll say your profile is JustHim, Beaver (I mean Justin Bieber) or something like that. You don't want me or anyone else here to freak out.
Or, second theory here, your names are all really wierd like (don't be offended) SankYou SoMuch,
or Rodding Botatose, or Juan Cena, or Ronald Dump, or IduntHave A. Life.
Alright what other names should I make up? Why don't you make up some names? Oh, that reminds me. I remember this thing called circular reasoning. Here is an example: "I can't post comments because comments are something I can't post" or "You need to believe that penguins are actually gods. Why? They said so to me. Why should you believe them? 'Cause they're gods! duh.....
You get the point. err, I kinda is leaving now... Laizy here signing out.
I mean uhhhh, Bye guys, see y'all in the next one
STevelskdjflsskdfjRODDINGBOTATOSElsdkjflskdflsdkfjlsdRONALDDUMPsdfdfdfHI,ERR,BYE GUYSsdfsdf
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