Thursday, December 1, 2016

A new mouthpiece... maybe gold plated one soon or later?

So, umm for black friday, I bought a mouthpiece. It arrived early! yay! Not too special, but it's pretty. Why? 'cause it's new. I use a school mouthpiece, because my trombone is a bigger trombone, meaning it uses a different size mouthpiece. mine is small, so it's now useless. But now I own my own big size mouthpiece! I'm happy. It's shiny, not dented, and it actually will hold itself in place... yeah, that's important, because the school one is so old it doesn't "bite" into the trombone to stay in place anymore.

I like it! It's a little bigger, slightly larger diameter than the school one, but that's not a big deal for me, just means more low notes. Maybe lose a few high notes, but SCREW IT. That don't matter at all. Now, I only kinda wish I got a gold plated mouthpiece.... I mean, I'd have to spend another 110 bucks or so, but not a big deal.... ha. Now I wanna get a new mute. It's pretty much something you put in the bell of your instrument to make it quieter and stuff... that way you can practice in the middle of the night without waking up neighbors and stuff... only 35 bucks. ish....  But I think it would be pretty cool.

WHY AM I TELLING YOU WHAT IM SHOPPING FOR???? I dunno, I got bored. funny, for the almost last two hours I'm been listening to Christmas jazz stuff... Y'all people of the world, YA NEED TO LEARN TO APPRECIATE JAZZ. It's the foundation of college life... haha for all those ritarded band kids like me.... I mean, not ritarded, respected, yes...

That was a school joke. We get these anti-bully stickers about not calling people ritards, but respect them. they said "the new R word is respect" That's why from now on I will never ever use the ritarded word ritard again, I will forever say respected.

Did you guys know that ritard is a medical term? Maybe it isn't, that was just interesting so I felt like saying it.... yeah, BYE GUYS

plez don't be offeneded by the word rit-------respect. I know that "respect" may offend many of you, but, plez, don't leave, I need da views...


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that was silent night right there.. beautiful.

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