Monday, December 26, 2016

"True love is like finding a ripe avacado right when you want an avacado"

Don't ask about the title, I heard on the radio and it was funny,ok?

So yesterday was Christmas, and pretty much I talked about depression... quite depressing if you ask me.... ha...k not funny

So fot Christmas I got pants,socks, and a pillow. The pillow is huge! I usually don't use a pillow,and when I woke up my hair was all sticking up. Everywhere. Not normal. What I usually do is wake up, if my hair is down,and I'll just leave it or if I want I'll wet a comb and push my front hair up. Don't you call front hair "bains" or something like that?

K I looked it up.In America (cause we're stupid) we call them "bangs", but EVERYWHERE ELSE they call it a "fringe" ok...

I'm bad because it's the break right? Well, I have an audition for an honor bamd in 2 weeks and I should be practicing but I'm not... see, I'm a terrible person now...

Yo guys, There's some peeps in France who view dis blog! (Wow, I was about to say"gracias" till I realized that was Spanish.) Well thanks to you dudes over there! And there's someone in Germany too I believe.. then the frickin 'mericans.. why...

Wow I thinks that's it for today. Took me like 20 minutes to write, so I hope you're happy....


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