Monday, October 3, 2016

We gonna live stream today!!!! hopefully.... around 1:00 PM PACIFIC time

Hey guys, just made a dumb blog from mobile, like 5 minutes ago, but now I'm on computer. lol, da grammar

anyways, just this morning I got playstore to work, and Ii was able to download pewdiepie's new game. it's bootiful. haven't played it yet, but I'm going to, and Imma gonna live stream it! I got the game, just need to find out how to live stream.... working on it....

Hope it won't be laggy

If anyone had the problem that when they open playstore, it blacks out then closes, that's exactly what happened I LOOST THE GAME what happened to me......

What you do, go to settings (the app)>storage>applications>Play Store> clear data& Force stop
Then do the same for "google play services". restart your phone and open it up. You will have to redo the setup, but that was good for me!

Wallll, if you liked dis blog and think you gonna watch the live stream, please sub, or something

BTW I'm gonna have a test stream later today, and If the that is super laggy I just might have to call it off. If I do then I'm gonna just make a video....

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