Wednesday, September 28, 2016

ordered wrong kind of filament...

Hey guys. I ordered the wrong filament fo my printer... I'm supposed to use PLA because it w won't bend when I don't put glue on my print bed,but I ordered ABS which smells worse and tends to bend it's corners off the build plate. I'm print a quick robot right now,and turns out it's ok... but wait till I get a big print...

Update on the plane glider wing quadcopter thing. The quad arrived.
! Yesterday I took it apart,desoldered the motors,and planted it int my frame with the camera. Expect a vid later today... I flew it once, but it's so front heavy that it's always going forward too fast. I put a weight in the back,so hopefully it'll be alright.

if you wanted to see the wing I decided not on, here it is:

It's pretty small. Let me get a pic of the quadcopter:

Don't ask why the second picture it's tinted.... sd card for size reference.. the camera you see in it is for FPV .the recording one came with the Hubsan x4, which is what I bought type make this..

Wall das all fo today our y like d it sub, and expect the video layer today, and uhh yeah, see y'all in dem next one!

Sunrise aybe surge Steve sleeve leve LEVER lure stra lens lens leve LEVE

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