Saturday, September 17, 2016

There is no pattern, there is no growth.

Hey guys, I'n bored... yeah. Today I'm gonna play trombone, get some stuff, and hope the quad arrives. I'm playing bassoon also in band this year. Bassoon is called fagott and fagotto in some places....

Anyways the title. I was looking at pageviews, and nothing is happening. It goes up big, then goes to 0, then the next three days it's in the middle.... I crei evre tim  much cri, yes.

Also, I came up with a theory. Ya know how some of you are in Germany or something? Well I thought up that some of this could be fake, and you have a software, or browse through a special browser that lets you fake being in Germany. Maybe not, if you are in Germany or something like dat tell me. I wanna know... can you show me... I wanna know if these strangers like me.... don't get it....... wutevr.

Wow, great blog, me. Gaud the ugly video of the gopro is out, expect a "how crappy is it actually?" video soon.

Sooooooohohohoh yeah.. see y'all in dem next one.. enjoy life, and don't kill yourself... wow, very negative. wasn't this blog supposed to be over? k, BYEEEEEEEE

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