Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Swear I'm working hard.and my bro got a virus.

First,I feel so bad for not posting.

Well today,I spent about an hour plus editing the gopro video.It was 30minutes,now it's 12! I still can't get music, but screw it... to be honest the video ain't all that great, it's just because my editor is so bad it took so long. If you're really curious go ahead, but if not,no point.

Also,my bro's computer,who is 17 got a virus on his computer.He has a newer computer and his is about as spore a mine now. Mine is at 50% when idle. That's how bad it usually iys after the first20 minutes.

Wall i gotta sleep, so das it. See ya...

Supremely cliff dBm once arrive

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