Friday, July 22, 2016

Dis dumb saying

Hey guys, it's steve kirk fhhfhyhy kHz v again and i have a question for you. How many times have you heard someone say, or see someone on tv say "We're trained professionals"? Seriously.. Especially. YouTube. When they say that you know they aren't trained professionals. For sure... unless it's copyrighted tv show content on YouTube . I like-hatee those people. Free tv but copyright users. Called stealing, and i hate it. When people take your content it pisses you off.  And when they claim you stole their content and they don't even own it out pisses you off more. And when YouTube is ok with it, it makes you rage quit... nope jk i don't rage quit ever at anything, but you get the idea. You get really pissed off. ,..

 What we talking About?

You know who colinfurze is right?He's definitely said tha. he's a trained professional a few times yet he used to be a plumber, and he has no degree whatsoever.... I'm not hating, by the way.colinfurze is great... he's just my example...

Who else?
Know mythbusters? They say they're trained pros.  They have a degree. In movie making...

ummmm.,.well I don't  really know Anyone ELSE so i guess dats it fo today's blog, so see y'all in dem next one!!!/??/?!?!)- f2f

Student toolkit turtle dfg fact Steveleveleve

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