Wednesday, July 20, 2016

waaaaay too many babies watching YouTube

Hey guys. I was wasting time today on youtube again, as always, and I see those videos in my suggestions of those things where random people open toys alongside copyrighted music. I dont watch them, and hopefully neither so you, but, admit it, they've  come up your sugestions before. Why are they so frickin popular? The only people watching them are little kids under 5, yet those vids get millions of views... and look at my channel.... I'm kinda pissed off. This channel called FastFoodToyReviews gets litterally 3 mill views perr vids, and they literally open happy meals and find toys... I had to Google that... and how many subs would they have? Lets see...

500K subs.... wow.... I'm pissed off. .500k kids find their parents acvounts and sub them up

This auto correct is weird.  When i type off it turns it into of and when i type of it makes it into off.... hate....

Btw still mobile... awww great... it sucks

Wall den folks looks like das it fo today.... um. I don't know what else to say.... see y'all in dem next one,.....!!!!

Steveleveleve leve leve leve.....

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