Saturday, July 30, 2016


Hello peeps. It's me again and recently I was recording a video talking to Pewdiebot. I was "playing" it and after a while I did my video closing and ended the recording. Then I check the video and it turns out the entire thing is stopped on one frame for a frickin 3 minutes. Then a few seconds after it returns, it freezes again for another 2 minutes. so pretty much that keeps happening and I get really pissed off. Then I go and play Either, a game where you choose whether to do the first or second option. and THE SAME THING HAPPENS AGAIN!!!!!! so even more pissed, I lower the settings and go to play Superhot, which is a really cool game I found out about. and the freeze is even worse. at that point I'm even more pissed off and that's the end of it... no vids... until that is resolved. I think there's something wrong with my computer, but whatever...

Well das it fo today, I hope you enjoyed this blog. Be sure to check out my channel and see y'all in dem next one!!!

stefekhjskldj holasdkjfhlasdkjfhlsd,  sdfl sdfsk jsdfk sdfhk jkk sdkhksd ks sfhk jsl

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